Confident indifference is like crack to women. Seriously, it's that addictive. But what exactly am I talking about? Allow me to set the stage with a quick social experiment.
Picture this: you're at a bar. There are two women. One is a solid 6 out of 10, standing at the bar, seemingly approachable. The other is a smoking 9, sitting in the corner with her friends, exuding an intimidating aura of beauty. Now, let's assume you personally vacillate between a 7 and an 8 on the attractiveness scale. Naturally, you gravitate towards the safer option—the 6—thinking she's more likely to say yes.
Logical, right? Wrong. This logic is horribly flawed for a very interesting reason.
The 6 is actually hit on more often precisely because of this flawed reasoning. She has a slightly inflated sense of self-worth due to the constant attention and, believe it or not, she's looking for the same qualities in a man as the 9. So, in seeking the safe option, you're actually taking the higher risk option. It's one thing to be rejected by a 9; you can reason it away by thinking she was out of your league. Rejection from a 6, however, stings a lot more. It messes with your head because you think, "If I can't even get a 6, what hope do I have?"
Here's where the universe course-corrects in your favor. When you approach the 6, you do so with a self-assured attitude, confident that you'll succeed. This confidence is irresistible, and 9 times out of 10, you end up getting the girl you didn't actually want. In contrast, if you were to approach the 9, you'd be less confident and more hesitant because you actually want her to say yes. This lack of confidence is a turn-off and usually results in rejection.
So, gents, the bottom line is this: you need to approach the 9s as if they were 6s. Adopt that confident indifference. Walk up to her with the same self-assurance you would have with a 6. The result? You come off as a confident, desirable man who knows his worth and isn't afraid to show it.
Good luck, and keep swinging for the fences!
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