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Flex Your Emotional Muscles: The Hilarious Guide to Gym for Emotions

Updated: Jul 6, 2024

We all know the benefits of working out. For some, it's about running, biking, hiking, or surfing. For millions of others, it's about hitting the gym. Even the most out-of-shape person would agree that physical exercise is good for them - provided their heart can withstand the effort. But how many of us know the importance of exercising our emotions?

Just like we need to go to the gym to exercise our muscles, the great thing about the gym for emotions is that it comes to us. Instead of working out three or four times a week, the emotional gym tests us constantly. But let's get back to the muscle gym for a moment. How do we make progress there? More importantly, how do we know when we're making progress? The simple answer: pain and discomfort. If you hit the gym and spend 45 minutes texting or watching motivational videos, your muscles won't grow. You need to put them under stress. Lift those weights to the point of maximum fatigue and pain. The next day, or two days later, you'll know if you've made progress by how you feel. Sore or stiff? Congratulations, your muscles have been stressed and strengthened.

The same is true for the emotional gym. What are the major negative emotions we face daily? Hate, anger, jealousy, sadness, and fear. When that jerk cuts you off in traffic, you're filled with hate and anger. You want to express these emotions, to show your level of disgust with this human whose aggressive act you take very personally. But what's the best way to react? Forgive that person on the spot. This goes against your instincts and is painful because it means leaving this heinous act unpunished. But this exercise builds discipline and control, two character traits also important in the physical gym. It pains you to forgive this reprehensible act, but it has to be done.

Jealousy is another emotion that needs to be controlled. It's easy to be jealous of those around you - people posting their perfect and beautiful lives on Instagram. It pains you to do so, but now is the time to write down the things for which you are grateful. Gratitude is the perfect antidote to envy, just like it's easier to sit on your couch than go to the gym, it's easier to envy than to express gratitude.

Life is hard and full of pain and sadness. This sadness hurts, but we need to embrace it, allow it to wash over us, deal with it, learn from it, and move on.

Finally, let's talk about fear. For many men, this is a big one. FDR said the only thing to fear is fear itself. His wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, had some useful advice on dealing with fear: every day, do at least one thing you fear. She hit the nail on the head. Fear is uncomfortable. Men fear rejection from women, but the only way to overcome this fear is to confront it - go out and get rejected until the sting of that rejection is not that painful.

So, there you have it. The emotional gym is all around us, offering free memberships with unlimited sessions. Embrace the discomfort, flex those emotional muscles, and remember to laugh along the way. After all, humor is the best workout for the soul.


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