One of the biggest tragedies of modern men? They have no idea what they want. Seriously, if you asked a random guy on the street what his authentic desire is, he might stare blankly at you and mumble something about pizza or the latest video game. Meanwhile, his girlfriend probably knows exactly what she wants – down to the color of the kitchen tiles in their future home.
So, what happens? He gets into a relationship, and pretty soon, she convinces him that what she wants is also what he wants. This isn't manipulation or coercion, folks. This is just nature at work. Nature abhors a vacuum, and when a man moves in with a woman without knowing what he wants, he creates a vacuum. And guess what? That vacuum gets filled with her desires.
Before he knows it, he’s thinking like his girl. Suddenly, he believes he wants to start a family and live in the suburbs, complete with a white picket fence and rug rats playing in the front yard. But is this really his dream? Probably not. Maybe he actually wants to establish himself financially, start a business, build a social network, and only then settle down. But he gets sidetracked.
This isn't a condemnation of women. Far from it. This is a wake-up call to men to establish their own frame. Women want men to come into their world and look after them. But men, listen up: this isn't what you should aim for. You should invite women into your world to look after them, provide for them, contain them, and protect them.
Women are fantastic planners. They have to be, given that they have a biological window during which they can have kids. They need to construct their careers and goals around this constraint. If they meet a guy they see as a suitable husband, father, and provider, they will do what is necessary to desire him. They will cleverly sell the dream of a life together in her frame, and soon, he will become convinced that this is what he wants, even if it’s not.
Men, you need to get your life together. Know what you want, and get specific about it. Work on a 5, 10, and 20-year plan. Do not fall into the trap of turning 50 and saying, "This is not how I planned my life," and being full of regrets. Remember, failure to plan is planning for failure.
And for heaven's sake, stop letting pizza and video games be your only aspirations. Get out there, figure out what you want, and go after it. Because if you don’t, someone else will decide for you – and trust me, you might end up with a lot more than just an unexpected kitchen tile color.
So, men of the world, unite! Know your desires, plan your future, and take charge of your life. Your 50-year-old self will thank you.
#ModernMen #KnowYourDesires #PlanYourFuture #TakeCharge #LifeGoals #AuthenticDesires #MenUnite #EstablishFrame #FuturePlans #NoRegrets #LifeTogether #ManUp #LiveYourDream #TakeTheLead #MenAndWomen #BiologicalClock #RelationshipGoals #SelfImprovement #MenOfTheWorld #WakeUpCall