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The Most Powerful Word in Modern Relationships

Updated: May 27, 2024

There is one secret word that every man needs to use in a relationship, yet he is terrified of using it. He thinks that if he uses this word, his girlfriend will like him less, when in reality she will like him more. Any idea what this word is? The secret word is "NO".

Used correctly, it is the most powerful word in any relationship. Note carefully what I said - this word needs to be used strategically because it shows you have boundaries. Women want boundaries because they need to feel safe in a relationship.

This is where the feminists will start to sharpen their claws. Women are receivers and men are the givers from an evolutionary perspective. And let me state for the record that women need men like a fish needs a bicycle. I am not saying that women need men - I am simply saying that together they form a potent partnership provided women operate in their feminine energy and men operate in their masculine energy.

Regardless of how successful, independent and strong women are, they still want to be looked after. If you date a woman who is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, earning millions every year, and you pick up the bill, she will not be opposed to that. In the same way, most women will not be opposed to a man opening the door for them.

The liberalization of women in the 60s has been the most successful revolution in the last 500 years - more do than the French, Russian, Chinese revolutions combined because it made a giant leap towards leveling the playing fields between men and women.

Women are now thriving - they are outgraduating men at university, they moving into the boardrooms, they are running businesses. Leading economists unanimously agree if you want the economy of a country to flourish, do one simple thing- empower women. I am in total agreement but I still believe that women still have certain biological needs and one is the need to be protected and contained - preferably by a man. Men can do this by setting boundaries. If there are no boundaries, there is chaos.

Humans thrive when there is balance between chaos and order, and boundaries set order in a chaotic world. Women thrive under conditions of male containment- think of women being the pearl and men being the shell that contains and protects that pearl. Take an example. Your girlfriend goes out with her friends, and says she will catch an Uber home. You say no, you will pick her up at 12pm.

Feminists say that containment is another form of ownership, and that would take women back a hundred years - but since when is ownership bad. Think about how a man looks after this car - I am sure that there are millions of women out there that would love to swap places with their partners cars. This is not ownership - this is containment which means protecting, nurturing and allowing women to flourish. 


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