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When the Respect Train Derails: A Man’s Guide to Relationship Red Flags

Updated: Jun 20, 2024

So, you've noticed that your relationship is feeling a bit off. Maybe your girl is treating you like the dirt under her shoes, and you're not quite sure why. Well, buckle up, gents, because we're about to take a ride on the Disrespect Express. Let’s talk about how to spot when your lady is losing respect for you and what to do about it.

Disrespect: The Slippery Slope

Disrespect in a relationship is like adding lubricant to a slope – things get slippery fast, and the only way is down. It’s a two-way street, though. Men disrespect women, and women disrespect men. But today, we’re putting the spotlight on when women disrespect men. Because, let’s face it, when your girl starts losing respect for you, it stings like a thousand papercuts.

The Silent Sufferers

Society has drilled into us that real men suppress their emotions and just power through tough situations. But here's the kicker – things rarely get better on their own. That frustration you’re bottling up? It’s like a shaken soda can, ready to explode at the worst possible moment.

The Real Talk

Now, I’m not here to unpack why your girl is disrespecting you. Maybe you’ve lost your frame, or you’re not operating in your masculine energy. Or maybe she’s just a disrespectful psycho – who knows? The point is, you need to figure out if she’s disrespecting you. And here’s a simple litmus test for that.

The Job Analogy

Brace yourselves, because this analogy is going to hit home. Women treat relationships the way men treat jobs. Yep, I said it. Relationships are a medium through which value is exchanged. The problem? Many men are sold on this Disney-fied notion of unconditional love. Spoiler alert: Even the Beatles were wrong when they sang “All You Need Is Love.” Love is not unconditional – not for women, not for men.

Your girl will never love you like your mom did (assuming your mom was relatively normal and loving). Women seek value in relationships just like men seek value in jobs. They want benefits, recognition, satisfaction, a clear progression path, and respect. Men look for the same in a job. Happy at work? You’re fairly paid, see advancement opportunities, feel challenged, appreciated – you’re not looking for another job. The same goes for women in relationships.

The Boss Test

To assess whether your girl is disrespecting you, ask yourself this: Would she speak to or act like that in front of her boss? Would she be condescending, dismissive, roll her eyes, or badmouth her boss to colleagues? Probably not, because she respects her boss (or at least pretends to). If she wouldn’t act this way at work, but she’s doing it to you, congratulations – you’ve got a disrespect problem.

The Beginning of the End

Unless you’re planning to single-handedly rescue her from a burning building or perform some other act of incredible merit or courage, she’s unlikely to regain respect for you. This might be the time to move on. Remember, you’re not her boss, and she’s not your employee, but respect is a two-way street. If it’s not there, it’s time to find someone who will respect you like you deserve.

Parting Words

Disrespect in a relationship is a major red flag. Recognize it, acknowledge it, and don’t settle for it. You deserve a relationship where value, respect, and mutual appreciation are the norms. Keep your head up, stay strong, and don’t be afraid to walk away when respect has left the building. After all, life’s too short to be with someone who treats you worse than they treat their boss.


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