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Why Feminism Needs a Man (and a Sense of Humor)

Updated: May 15, 2024

In the grand debate over whether women need men, many feminists claim they can have it all: the career, the kids, the whole shebang—without a man. But let's face it, that argument is missing one crucial element: the powerful alliance that forms when a woman operating in her feminine energy merges with a man operating in his masculine energy. Men and women were never designed to be the same; they were designed to complement each other. It's time we stopped competing and started synergizing.

The Parenting Dynamic

Consider the simple example of parenting. Men, on average, are less agreeable than women. This difference can be a game-changer in raising children and building their character. Life is hard, society is judgmental, and you will always be deemed to be lacking something. Mothers often want to protect their children from this pain and suffering. Fathers, on the other hand, tend to be more blunt and hard-nosed.

Picture this: Your son decides to try out for the school rugby team. After two practices, he comes home bruised and demoralized. He says he isn’t enjoying it because it’s too rough and one of the kids tackled him too hard. The mother might tell him to quit and join the chess team. The father, being less agreeable, tells him to stick it out for another week and then decide.

The Importance of Hardship

Do you see how important it is for kids to face hard things and not shy away from challenges? The feminization of our society, as witnessed by the woke culture that downplays the importance of competition and hands out participation trophies, is denying our children the essential tools to operate in a harsh, competitive, and judgmental world.

The natural instincts of a mother’s nurturing and a father’s pragmatism provide a powerful parental combination that better prepares children for life’s challenges. Boys growing up in fatherless homes are more likely to get addicted to porn and video games, display antisocial behavior, end up in jail, and eventually commit suicide.


So, while feminists might argue they don’t need men, it’s clear that the complementary energies of both genders are essential for a balanced and well-functioning society. Just like a happily married couple walking on the beach, each playing their part, we need both masculine and feminine energies to navigate the rocky shores of life. Because let's be honest, without the synergy of both, we'd all be floundering in the waves.


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