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- The Most Interesting Man in the World - Chapter 1: How It All Began
Between 2006 and 2018, Mexican beer brand Dos Equis introduced us to the Most Interesting Man in the World. It ran a bunch of ads featuring a bearded, debonair older gentleman saying interesting and outrageous things. My favorite: "Once a rattlesnake bit me, after five days of excruciating pain, the snake finally died." High-value men are interesting, and if you ask any woman, they will tell you that interesting is sexy. What does it mean to be interesting? Interesting people tell incredible stories and lead unusual lives. The source of their magnetism is their curiosity. They are always excited to explore the world, and this curious energy radiates outward. So where do you start? The first step to becoming interesting is exploring the history of the world we live in. So, buckle up, because I am going to take you on a crash course in everything you need to know (in my opinion) about what has happened in the world. This is going to be a mega summary. I am going to exclude plenty of stuff. I am going to try and condense trillions of pages of information into a few thousand words. I have broken this into chapters. This is the first chapter Chapter 1: How it All Began The world is divided on the genesis of existence. On the left, we have the Creationists: Christians, Muslims, and Hindus. They believe the universe, earth, life, and humans were created by divine intervention. Most creationists with at least half a brain cell know the universe was NOT created in 6 calendar days – they understand this is symbolic, and each day could represent thousands, millions (or even billions of years). On the right, we have the Big Bangers. The major difference between the two is that creationists believe that God was the guiding hand in this process while the Bangers believe it is science. So, let’s go back to the very beginning. Almost 14 billion years ago, the universe began as a tiny, dense, fireball that exploded. Nine billion years later, the earth formed when gravity pulled in swirling gas and dust. At first, it was just a massive cloud of hot shit – similar to what comes out of a politician’s mouth. Over time, the gravity at the center of the cloud became so intense that all the shit started fusing into clusters that grew large enough to maintain their own gravitational pull. It was hotter than hell. If you lean over the top edge of an active volcano, you find smoldering magma. This is what earth looked like - and we are still billions of years away from the invention of an ice-cold beer! Over a few hundred million years, the temperature started to drop and oceans of liquid formed. Life began in the oceans with microorganisms. These little fuckers mutated into weird-looking fish-like creatures. Then one day, an odd-looking critter resembling the hybrid of fish and a croc, fed up with a diet of sushi, decided to walk out of the water onto the land. It, however, needed to adapt to life on land. Although it could see further on land than in water, it had to ditch the fins and create limbs, and it had to seal up its gills and develop lung capacity. These weird amphibious animals then evolved into dinosaurs and the Jurassic period began (named after the film!) All this dinosaur action took place about 240 million years ago. Dinosaurs roamed the earth for 160 million years terrorizing women, children, and smaller mammals. So, what happened to these scaly reptilian/amphibian creatures? Did they start smoking pot, get addicted to porn, and forget how to hunt? Or did something more nefarious happen? The most common explanation (because it makes for a great Hollywood movie), is that the earth was struck by a massive asteroid (possibly somewhere in Mexico), at 64,000 km/h and released 2 million times the energy of a standard atomic bomb. This nuked the surface of the earth, ignited wildfires, and plunged the world into darkness as shit filled the atmosphere and blocked the sun. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions set off tsunamis that drowned the dinosaurs – not yet skilled in the techniques of swimming and big wave surfing. The bird dinosaurs, however, deftly avoided the monster waves and survived. Rats and other furry vermin also miraculously side-stepped the apocalypse. With time, these rats grew to raccoon size, and then dog size. The plant world thrived and the earth was dominated by evolving mammals. This was 66 million years ago, and if you looked at the earth from space, you would have been able to make out the shape of the major continents – unless you are American which means geography does not come naturally. India crashed against Asia forming Mount Everest. Africa crashed against Europe and formed the Alps. Donald Trump slipped on his fat ass and formed the Rocky Mountains. The weather was warmer and more stable than today because most of the earth was covered in dense tropical forests like the Amazon. The vegans rejoiced. Fish also thrived. This is where the evolution of the species kicked into top gear as crazy new animals resembling mutant dogs/hyenas, monkeys, hippos, and elephants filled the fertile forests. Marine life also prospered, the scariest being the 35-ton shark-like beast that terrorized surfers and creatures of the murky depths. Then the mercury started to decline. No one really knows why this happened. There were five major ice ages and there were five Ice Age movies – what a coincidence. During an ice age, it gets cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey. Animals and plants adapt to new conditions or die. This is survival of the most adaptable (and easiest access to Gore-Tex), not the fittest. The question that most people must now be asking is when the first humans rocked up. There was no event, but we evolved from the chimps. The first indication of the existence of a homo was in Ethiopia around 2.8 million years ago. The first evidence of a homo erectus (a fully erect homo) was around 2 million years ago. The earliest life focused on the need to eat, drink and have wild unprotected sex. At first, we were hunters. Running around chasing animals, however, can be fucking tiring, so we started to settle in farming communities and grow stuff. Hunting did not cease – men still had to get away from the nagging wife and what better excuse than a regular hunting possie. As humans got better at generating and storing food, communities grew into towns and then into cities. With this, the double-door fridge/freezer combo was invented. We also had more free time, which enabled us to focus on beliefs because the fear of being attacked by a saber-toothed tiger subsided. We saw the introduction of religions such as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and much later Christianity and Islam to try and explain why the fuck we existed. Many people believe there was one single cradle of civilization but that is a load of bollocks. There was no single "cradle" of civilization; instead, several cradles of civilization developed independently. Mesopotamia (famous for the Tigris–Euphrates River), Ancient Egypt (famous for pyramids, pharaohs, mummies, and tombs), Ancient India (famous for Buddhism and Hinduism), Ancient China (famous for papermaking, printing, gunpowder, and the compass) and Mesoamerica (modern-day Mexico – famous for position-value number system with zero and the calendar) are believed to be the earliest. #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- You Do Not Need to be Super Productive All the Time
In 1895, an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto noticed that 80% of Italy’s land belonged to 20% of the country’s population. This became known as the Pareto principle and soon found an application in almost every aspect of life. The great thing about Pareto’s principle is that he removes a shitload of pressure from our daily lives. The essence of Pareto is this: 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts! Look at the numbers. There are 24 hours in the day. I like to dedicate 8 hours to sleep, 8 hours to leisure and domestic issues (eating, cooking, cleaning, doing exercise, watching TV, reading). That leaves 8 hours for work. I am a type-A person, and like a total idiot, I always aim to be super-efficient for every minute of those 8 hours. That is both stupid and unrealistic. According to Vilfredo, I only need to be super productive for 1hr 36minutes (20% of 8 hours) to bank 80% of the results. Another cool thing about Vilfredo is that time can be rolled over to the next day. For me, Mondays are often a write-off. After 2 days of relative leisure, my business brain is not as razor-sharp as it was on Friday, so I downgrade my productivity expectations. I try to avoid making important business decisions on Monday and instead focus more on administrative shit that does not require any brilliance. That puts a bit of pressure on Tuesday but struth, all I need to do is own it for 3 hours on Tuesday and I have evened out the Pareto game for the week. The trick is not to roll too many days. If you goof off Monday to Thursday, you then need to punish a full 8 hours of super productivity on a day that many people start to take their foot off the gas and plan their weekends by midday. In conclusion, let me share a little wisdom from 50 years on this planet. You will have three kinds of days – great, mediocre, and shit. On the shit days, you need to get through the day and not be paralyzed by fear and self-doubt. On mediocre days, you will enjoy a few minor highlights. On the great days, you will shoot the fucking lights out. You will close that deal, nail that presentation, get 500 likes on that blog, have a deep, meaningful, and life-changing conversation with your partner. Applying Pareto, 6 days of the month will be great, and the rest will be mediocre or shit. You want to embrace the shit days. You don’t want to fight them – let them pass, be kind to yourself, and do not fall into the trap of thinking you are a useless piece of shit. I use my shit days to do things that require little or no talent on my part – wash my car, clean my house, file papers, reply to boring mails, go to the supermarket, phone my mother. You get the idea! For your edification, here are some other practical applications of the Pareto Principle Internet: 20% of websites attract 80% of the traffic Business: 80% of your income is generated from 20% of your clients Sport: top 20% of players account for 80% of the team’s success Online dating: top 80% of women (in attractiveness) are competing for the top 20% of men (in attractiveness) Wardrobe: you wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- 6 Ways to become a Master Salesman
Go to any sales seminar and you will hear mantras like “he could sell ice to Eskimos”, “work towards a 100% success rate”, “you need to know your product intimately”, “you need to look or dress a certain way”, “you need to follow a formula or a script”, and “you need to use technology”. These mantras are bullshit – here are SIX cardinal rules of selling. Rule 1: Opposites do not Attract She drives a Prius, he rides a Harley. She enjoys garden and animal husbandry. He enjoys riding his Harley. She enjoys classical music – her favorite is Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No 2. He thinks Rachmaninoff is a Russian brand of exhaust muffler. What are the chances of these two hooking up on Tinder? Studies are finding that opposites do not attract. People are attracted to other people who are like themselves or how they would like to be. To make a connection, you need to mirror that person both verbally and non-verbally. Verbally, you need to mirror the speed, tone, vocabulary, and volume of your counterpart. A client wants to cancel your services. That client is low energy, speaks in a slow deliberative monotone and his gestures are slower than a Brazilian three-toed sloth. If you are a high-energy, outgoing, charismatic, and expressive person, you would have difficulty connecting with him at this crucial time. You would need to lower your tone, your volume, and restrain your hand gestures. You would also be well advised to use the same words that he uses. You would also be well advised to mirror his nonverbal communication. The majority of communication is nonverbal. We have already looked at hand gestures, but you also need to look at his body language. If he has his arms folded, he is on the defensive. Approaching him with open arms and moving in his direction would make him feel threatened and unresponsive to your negotiation tactics. If you also fold your arms and show you are no threat, it will put him at ease. You should also mirror his seating position. If he is sitting back with his legs folded, do the same. If he uncrosses his legs, do the same. Mimicking his, posture will lead him to the conclusion that there are commonalities between the two of you and will help to build rapport. Exercise: Go to a coffee shop and find someone that is sitting a couple of meters away. As unobtrusively as possible, start to mirror the gestures and mannerisms of that person and notice what happens in 5 to 10 minutes. You will get in sync with each other. Rule 2: Develop your Legitimate Strangeness René Char said you need to “develop your legitimate strangeness”. In a globalized and connected world, it helps to stand out in a crowd. It is all about differentiation. What are you doing or offering that no-one else in your space is doing? Hollywood has created the impression that great salesmen need to dress in tailored suits, flash gold Swiss watches, be charismatic, and exude confidence. You need to do everything possible to deviate from this stereotype and develop your strangeness. This advice needs to be tempered with maturity and wisdom. In the opening moments of Rocketman, the fantastical Elton John biopic, Taron Egerton enters a group-counseling session wearing a brightly adorned orange devil outfit decorated with sequins, feathers, and horns. Such an outfit may be inappropriate if you are selling a funeral policy. Rule 3: Become a Storyteller In 2009, a New York Times journalist Rob Walker embarked on an experiment to see if storytelling was a powerful commercial tool. He wanted to do a controlled experiment where the success could be measured in monetary terms. He called it his Significant Objects Test (www.significantobjects.com). He bought two hundred objects on eBay each object costing approximately $1. He then sent an email to 200 writers and asked if they wanted to participate in the test where they would write a story about each object. One object was a snow globe that had the state of Utah on the base. The snow globe cost 99 cents. Blake Butler wrote a story about a box that his grandfather's grandfather kept under his bed…you will need to read the rest. The snow globe was sold for $59. A total of $129 was spent on the 200 objects. The total proceeds raised from the sale of these objects were $8,000. The total return on investment was 6,101 percent. Storytelling releases dopamine. This is the same chemical released into the brain when you fall in love. Most men can testify how after watching a James Bond movie, you want to go out and buy an Omega watch and Saville row tailored suite. This makes no sense. We all know that Bond is the ultimate escapism. We know that a fancy watch and a tailored suit is not going to lure a Russian goddess into your car, but dopamine and suspense make us do crazy things. Rule 4: Build Long Term Relationships Selling is about building relationships. Smart people, the ones you want as clients, can quickly see through all the bull of a slick snake oil salesman. You may close the deal but you may not build a long term relationship. Financial freedom is obtained through the acquisition of long term assets that provide a high-quality flow of income. This cash flow could be generated by forging long term relationships with a select group of high-quality clients that will keep coming back to you with repeat business. Rule 5: Be Bold and Take Risks You need to roll the dice. If you play it safe, your offering will blend into the market and go unnoticed. Risk must pervade your mission. You need to use strong language or face the possibility of portraying your brand in an anemic light. Rule 6: Do Not F&ck It Up Unless you have been living on Pluto for the last decade, you will know that people love to complain. The majority of new businesses focus on delighting the client. They use their consumer experience with Amazon and Jeff Bezos's obsession with client satisfaction as the cornerstone of their strategy. You, however, also need to factor in the potential danger of pissing a customer off. Harvard Business Review says it not about delighting customers - it's about not repelling them. The impulse that consumers have to punish bad service in any way possible is significant, as evidenced by the following statistics: 25% of customers are likely to say something positive about a customer service experience. 65% are likely to say something negative. 23% of customers who had a positive experience told 10 or more people about it. 48% of customers who had a negative experience told 10 or more people about it. It is easier to criticize than to praise. #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- THREE Ways You Can be an Antidote to the World
When I look at the world, there are three things I see: isolation, fear, and self consciousness. This global pandemic has damaged the way we think and interact with others. Masks raise barriers. We walk around terrified of getting too close to people. The solution is simple – you need to be the antidote to this new post pandemic world. Here are three ways to do this. 1) Be Nice "Nice" has become a dirty word. In some fucked up way it is now associated with boring, predictable, agreeable, weak, insipid, and exploited. Do not be nice becuase everyone will walk over you. The world encourages us to be competitive, cutthroat, and ruthless. I have seen a notable uptick in Machiavellian-inspired motivation that preaches how the nice guy finishes last in business and in relationships. This world needs a big dose of niceness – it will go a long way to help ease the pain of a world with less human interaction and love. If you believe that "nice guys finish last", look no further than the biggest dickhead of the 21t century, Lance Armstrong. I am a fan, but he is a self-confessed dickhead. He lied, cheated, bullied and intimidated his way to seven Tour de France titles. Almost everyone in the 20-year period between 1990 and 2010 was heavily doped in the Tour, yet cycling's governing body (UCI) only stripped Lance. Do you wonder why? Because he acted like a dickhead! 2) Get Some Perspective The pandemic has forced us to withdraw into our own small worlds in a perfectly natural act of self preservation. This, however, can be dangerous if the situation lasts for too long (as we are finding). When you make your world small and self-centered, it breeds a toxic mix of entitlement and expectations. You start to believe you are entitled to success, fame, money and happiness. You expect other people to make you happy, to recognize your strengths and to shower you with love and attention. We all need a little perspective. If you think your life is shit, go and spend some time in an old age home. Find an 85 year old man, who lives on a dialysis machine, has no friends and his family has forgotten about him. All of a sudden, your life doesn’t look so shit. 3) Don’t Worry What Other People Think I understand humans are hardwired to be concerned about the opinions of others. But you need to move away from that. If you want to launch a personal brand on social media, and tap into millions of potential clients, you need to put yourself out there and be vulnerable. People are going to say you are ugly, stupid, full of shit, a piece of shit etc. There are many people in the world who are so sad and miserable, and have lives that are so empty, that they will take the time to write you a nasty comment. Instead of being hurt, feel sorry for these miserable fuckers. Don’t ever lose sight of your mission and purpose. The same is also true of the praise. When people say how fucking great and awesome you are, this too should not be taken too seriously. You do not need external validation. You know who you are, you know your value and no-one should be allowed to change that. #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- 10 Biggest Money Mistakes
To err is human. To err financially is not only human, it happens to even the most astute. Here is a list of the ten biggest money mistakes. 1) Buying Stupid Shit and Accumulating Mega Debt We live in a consumerist world. Social media projects an image that happiness can be found at the bottom of a new pair of shoes or a Louis Vuitton handbag. Combine this with the easy availability of credit cards and you have a toxic cocktail that will lead many mortals into temptation. This has led to the narrative from financial advisers that credit cards are evil. Credit cards, themselves, can be powerful sources of cheap funding if used correctly. The problem is that most people use their credit cards irresponsibly and get in over their heads. They then spend the next 5-10 years trying desperately to dig themselves out of their debt holes at a time when they should be saving, investing, and building a foundation for financial freedom. 2) Chasing Sexy Investments Paul Samuelson said investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 to Las Vegas. The biggest mistake people make when it comes to investing is looking for sexy investments. Sexy is great if you are looking for lingerie, a mail-order Russian bride, or an Italian sports car – but it has no place in investing. Investing should be boring – and there is nothing more boring (and powerful) than an ETF. An ETF is one of the most amazing financial inventions. It is an exchange-traded fund. It trades like a single share but it delivers the performance of a large basket of shares. Take the URTH ETF. This ETF buys more than 1,500 global shares - you are buying the world! Its biggest holdings are Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, Google, and Meta. These 6 companies make up 15% of the ETF. You are diversified in terms of sectors and regions. 68% of the companies are based in the US, 6% in Japan, 4.5% in the UK, and approx. 3% in Canada, France, Germany, and Australia. You have technology companies, banks, health care, industrials, media - the whole bang shoot. The fee on this ETF is a low .24%. There is nothing sexy about 1,500 stocks, but this ETF will make you rich – if you invest a decent amount every month – for 30 years! 3) Taking Bad Advice There is no shortage of financial “gurus” on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media. Kids think they can read a couple of books, watch a couple of videos and suddenly they are qualified to offer financial advice. It is true that it is not difficult to understand the basics of finance, but financial education and proficiency is a lifelong journey. In a world that focuses on instant success and gratification, it is easy to be sucked into the belief that financial mastery is easy. On social media, semi-illiterate financial gurus and influencers are giving advice to completely illiterate disciples and this is creating a vicious downward spiral that will end in money being lost and financial dreams being shattered. 4) Failed Relationships that Damage your Credit Rating – and Personal Guarantees Love is blind, dumb, and stupid. When you enter a new relationship, common sense flies out the window, and sound financial discipline is not far behind. Joint bank accounts and personal guarantees are a two-headed monster that can come back and bite you on the rear. Sharing a bank account may breed conflict. Whether it’s the roommate, spouse, or business partner, disagreements can arise, and having a shared account may create future issues. As all account holders can equally access the account, they can withdraw, deposit, change details, or transfer funds at any time without the consent or knowledge of the partner. In addition, if an account holder has a poor credit history, it can negatively impact the partner as well. 5) Not Having Enough Insurance Insurance is awesome and you should have lots of it. Let's say that you buy a $50,000 car and insurance costs $1,000 per annum. You can do one of two things – decide to insure the car or your car decide not to insure the car. Let’s now look at the risk-return relationship. Assume a scumbag takes a shine to your new automobile and steals it. That event would result in the realization of a $50,000 loss. You can eliminate this risk by spending $1,000 on insurance. By spending $1,000, you can avoid a $50,000 loss. This is a no-brainer. You need to have car, medical, life, and as many other insurances as possible. 6) Investing in Retirement Annuities The only person that makes money from an annuity is the salesman. According to billionaire investor Ken Fischer, if you invest $1 million in an annuity you will put a kid through private college. The problem is that it is not your kid. It is the kid of the annuity’s salesman. Do not be fooled by the sales rhetoric. Annuity salespeople will regale you with the tax benefits, the power of compounded growth, the discipline of saving (a lie that we have debunked), supporting your dependents, and long-term stability. If you are financially educated and disciplined, you can do better with direct investments. Annuities are black-box investments – there is no transparency and accountability of results. The fees are borderline criminal. Moreover, when you retire with that annuity, you will get a stream of income akin to a quaint Scottish brook. You deserve the whitewater rapids on the Zambezi River. 7) Being Afraid of Risk Risk is good. You should embrace it and manage it. You should not avoid it. Jeff Bezos of Amazon became one of the world's wealthiest people in 2018 by taking risks. He put all his eggs in one basket. He went all-in on a little company that sold books over the internet. He grew it into a multi-trillion-dollar company. Risk is good as long as it is managed. Bezos made a calculated bet. He knew he could convert Amazon into the world's leading e-commerce site and the world's leader in cloud computing. Now he is working on making Amazon the world's leading online grocery store (through the purchase of Whole Foods) and the world's leading streaming service (competing with Netflix). If you start a business, and you believe in the business with all your heart, mind, and soul, go all in. Commit to it and believe you will succeed. This belief, commitment, and drive will act as a risk management tool. 8) Avoiding the Stock Market The stock market is one of the greatest generators of wealth on the face of the earth. Many, however, avoid the stock market for two reasons. Firstly, they think it is too dangerous. Most people are terrified of the stock market because it exhibits wild and volatile swings and this is true – in the short term. The stock market, over the longer term, tends to be more predictable and benign. Your first step is to recalibrate your opinion of the stock market and take a long-term view. Secondly, they are under the misconception that you need to be super smart and dedicated to investing. In reality, you do not need to be an expert in stocks to get rich. All you need to do is invest a decent amount of cash in a well-diversified ETF over the long term. 9) Making Your House Your Most Important Asset Most people believe their home is an asset. Robert Kiyosaki, in his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", says the asset/liability test is simple. Assets put money in your pocket. Liabilities take money out of your pocket. If you are living in a house, and it is mortgaged, you are paying rates, taxes, and interest on the loan. It is a liability. If it is "free and clear" it is still a liability. You are paying rates and taxes, not to mention lights, water, and general maintenance. But property prices always go up. That is a fallacy. Americans who bought houses before the financial crisis of 2008 will paint you a different picture. Real estate is like any asset – its price can rise or fall. If you are banking on your house price appreciating in value, then welcome to the world of speculation. Real estate is a very powerful income-generating asset, but it is only an asset when it puts money in your pocket i.e. if you rent it out to someone else. 10) Lack of Patience We are impatient. We want to get rich quickly. Getting rich, however, requires compounding and patience. Investing $100 per month at a return of 10 percent per year will deliver $226,048 after 30 years. How much would I have after 30 years if, instead of 10%, I generate returns of 20% year? The human brain, in all its feebleness, would reason like this – if I am earning double the return (20 percent instead of 10 percent), it should have double the money - $450,000. What would you say if I said that by doubling the annualized return you would earn TEN times more? Your $100 investment at 20 percent per annum will yield $2,297,783 in 30 years!! How is this possible? Through compounding and patience. Albert Einstein said that the power of compound interest is "the most powerful force in the universe" and went on to say..." he who understands it earns it; he who doesn't, pays it." #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- Getting Rich is Easy - It Just Takes Patience
Most people think in order to be rich you need to work 90 hours a week and be a genius - like Elon Musk. But there is an easier way. Instead of working 90 hours a week, you need to invest over a long-time horizon. Instead of being genius, you need to be disciplined. This is how it works. What happens when you spend less than you earn? You have extra cash. What do most people do with their extra cash? They buy stupid stuff – like another pair of jeans, or a fancy pair of sneakers. Rich people do something different. Because they do not want to have to work for money their entire lives, they INVEST this extra every month, and they start doing this from a very young age (normally in their 20s). So where do they invest their surplus cash? There are many places to invest, for example real estate and their own businesses. These are great places to invest, but they normally require large lump sum investments. There is an easier way to start investing today that in assets that meet the following requirements: 1) they accommodate small monthly contributions 2) they provide easy liquidity – your investment can be liquidated quickly and without penalty 3) they are transparent – you have pretty good idea as to how they generate revenue 4) they have a long track record of delivering inflation beating returns I am talking about the stock market. The stock market has produced more millionaires than any other market. The stock market is a marvelous place where you can invest in great companies like Amazon, Tesla, Microsoft, Apple and Coca Cola. It is accessible to anyone who has a bank account. It is easy to create a debit order off your bank account to commit to a monthly investment into the stock market. Secondly, most stocks are liquid. Thirdly, listed companies need to disclose their financial information every quarter so there is fantastic transparency, and finally, the stock market is an inflation beater. Over the past 30 years, the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index has delivered compounded returns of approximately 10 percent. These are fantastic returns, especially considering they include three major stock market crashes – the dot.com bubble bursting in 1999/2000, the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the Great Recession of 2008, and the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020/2021. So, what is the plan? Step 1: Start Young Most people take approximately 30 years to get rich and financially free. If you want to get there by the age of 50, you need to start investing at the age of 20. The longer it takes for you to get into a disciplined investing routine, the older you will be when you reach the goal. Step 2: Relax The stock market brings out the worst in us because we believe it will get us rich quick. Most people are terrified of the stock market because it exhibits wild and volatile swings and this is true – in the short term. The stock market, over the longer term, tends to be more predictable and benign. Your first step is to recalibrate your opinion of the stock market and take a long-term view. You need to be patient and you need to be religiously disciplined in your investment. Step 3: Monthly Contributions – Annual Consultations Every month, you need to commit to investing a minimum amount of cash into the stock market and you are only allowed to check your account statement once per year. Step 4: Choose a Low-Cost ETF that You Like ETFs are powerful financial tools. An ETF is a single share listed on a stock market that replicates the performance of a basket or index of shares. For example, QQQ is an ETF that tracks the NASDAQ 100 index - this index invests in 100 of the most important tech companies in the world – for example Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, Google and Facebook. There are also ETFs on specific country indexes (like South Africa, Brazil, Russia and China), specific sectors (financial services, biotechnology, energy) and themes (growth, high dividends, value companies). You want to invest in an ETF where you are positive about the future of the underlying companies. For example, if you believe that fossil fuels will become less important than renewable energy in the future, you may not want invest in an ETF with lots of oil companies. You also want to choose a low-cost ETF. Many people do not have a good understanding of the impact of fees. Let’s say you invest in a fund that charges a 2% annual fee. That does not sound like much, but if the fund delivers a return of 10%, you are paying 20% of your returns (2% divided by 10%) in fees. A low-cost ETF will charge more or less 0.25%. Step 5: At Least $100 (or your local currency equivalent) a Month All you need to do is invest $100 per month. To understand how extremely attainable $100 per month is, I did a quick Google search on what $100 can buy you these days: Eight or ten movie tickets, 10 months of Netflix, four or five new movies on DVD, fifteen used DVDs at a yard sale, lunch for four at a fairly nice restaurant, 40 cheap burgers or 90 candy bars. So how much would your 30-year religious investment in this broad-based US stock index yield? The answer is $226,048. That is inordinately better than investing in a savings account or Treasury bonds. How much would you need to invest every month to be a millionaire in 30 years, 20 years, 10 years and 5 years? Assuming the same total returns of the Standard and Poor’s 500 index of 10% as we have seen over the past 30 years, here are the monthly investments that will yield $1 million after the stipulated period 30 years: $442 20 years: $1,316 10 years: $4,881 5 years: $12,913 That’s not bad going. #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- What Kind of Life do You Want?
In this blog, I want to present two alternative lives. The first, is the busy and complicated life. The second is a quiet and simple life. The busy and complicated life can also be characterized as the Instagrammable life. It is a life full of friends, social engagements, fancy cars, flashy watches and exotic overseas vacations. There are no gaps in your diary. You don't sleep much. Your mind is stimulated by news, noises, music and other media. You are never alone – you are always engaged with other people and you are always in a relationship. The simple and quiet life is the opposite. It is not at all Instagrammable. You have only a few good close friends, only a few social engagements every week, you live in a simple house and you are not overwhelmed with physical possessions. You get plenty of sleep, and you limit your news and media intake. You enjoy the simplicity of life - a beautiful sunset, quiet meditation in the morning, helping out at the local homeless shelter. You are not afraid of being alone. You enjoy long solitary walks along the beach, being engrossed in a good book, sitting on a bench watching children play and the birds chirp. Of these two lives, which would you say is the most successful? Society will tell you the first life. We live in an age where idle time is bad because you are unproductive, and busyness is a sign of success. Maybe the lack of happiness in your life is not due to the lack of busyness, but rather the lack of simplicity. There are three questions that busy people do not like: -who am I? -what do I actually enjoy? -what do I want to do with my life? I used to have a busy life – I worked 70 hours a week, in 2018 I traveled the equivalent of four times around the earth, I visited 22 different countries, spent time with thousands of people, I skied in Vail Colorado every Christmas and New Year for 18 years, my social agenda was filled with dinners, parties, lunches, first communions, weddings, wakes. I was never by myself and it was fun. It was bloody amazing but I was never happy. All this busyness made me high. This cult of activity forced me into a life where there was less consciousness, less searching, and a less intense feeling of life. This meant that when the COVID pandemic hit in 2020 and destroyed my second marriage, and forced me into a solitary life, I did not have the tools to answer the three questions mentioned above. If you cannot answer these three questions, you will never be truly happy, and if you have a busy and complicated life, you will use every ounce of strength in your body to avoid having to answer these questions. If you want to be happy, you need to simplify your life and find a quiet space where you can explore who you are and what you want. I had to do this at the age of 50 - I hope you get around to it before that age! #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- 8 Lessons for Money and Happiness
In the last 2 years of my life I have come to the realization that many of the things I once believed to be true were in fact completely false. Here are 8 lessons I have learned. Lesson 1: Success is not Fulfillment A Harvard study showed the most fulfilled and happy people were not the most successful. The people who felt the strongest human connection to their community, their friends and families felt the most fulfilled. Lesson 2: Give More than You Take The Bible says it is more blessed to give than to receive. How true is that? It feels awesome to give stuff away. In my opinion, the act of giving is a commercial transaction. I give and in return I feel awesome. Puritanical cretins will tell you true giving has to be selfless - they can fuck off! Lesson 3: Guilt is a Strong Motivator I grew up in the 1980s in apartheid South Africa. South Africa was a pariah state. Before 1994, racism was legal. Most white South Africans growing up in my generation carry the guilt of enjoying the fruits of apartheid and not taking a stance against it. In private, we expressed our outrage but never in such a way to jeopardize our privileged position. When I returned to South Africa after living abroad for twenty years, I was overcome by the inequality that still exists. This inspired me to find ways to give back. Lesson 4: Money Shouldn't be Your Why Financial freedom requires changing your relationship with money. When you work for money, money becomes your master. It rules your mind, your actions, and your desires. When money works for you, you are flipping that relationship. You are now the master. You are in control. Money works for you and you in turn work for a higher purpose. You need to find that higher purpose. It could be to provide for your family or give back to your community or your country. It could be to free up your time to pursue what you find meaningful. In addition, you want to do business with people that share your values. If money is your why, it will become an endless source of anxiety. You will never have enough. Lesson 5: Don’t Focus on Your Weaknesses School teaches you to focus on your weaknesses. This was good advice. If the thought of algebra forced you into a state of temporary cerebral numbness, you were not going to graduate from high school (at least where I went to school in South Africa). But you are no longer in school. This is life and life is all about maximizing your talents and to hell with your weaknesses. If your father wanted you to be a doctor, but you wanted to be a poet, and you took the route proposed by your father, you have spent all your adult life focusing on your weaknesses. You have taken the path of greatest resistance and life has been an uphill battle. Lesson 6: Enthusiasm is Your Secret Weapon Ralph Waldo Emerson, said: "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Who doesn't love being around enthusiastic and energetic people? You tap into their energy. You want to be around them and you want to do business with them. You can feel enthusiasm by the way a person talks, walks or shakes hands. The greatest thing about enthusiasm is that you don’t need to be borne with it. Some people are naturally enthusiastic, but if not, it is a trait you can grow and cultivate. Lesson 7: Stand up Straight Standing up straight with your shoulders back. Jordan B. Peterson from 12 Rules for Life Animals exert their dominance by making themselves larger as a sign of strength. Jack Schwager, in his book "Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America's Top Stock Traders" takes a detour and interviews Dr. Ari Kiev. He mentions in the interview that he can see when a trader is losing money simply by looking at his body language. If a trader was hunched over his desk it typically meant that he was losing. If he was propped upright or standing and walking around, it was an indication that he was winning. In the same way that posture is a reflection of performance, performance can also be a reflection of posture. Lesson 8: Don’t be Envious Don't compare yourself to someone else or try and be someone else. Jordan Peterson suggests that you should compare yourself today with who you were yesterday and focus on small incremental changes. Set numerous small achievable goals. A fraction of a percent changed every day, compounded over many months and years will yield outstanding results. Envy is an illusion you have created in your imagination. The people you envy are not as successful as you think. #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- 8 Easy Ways to Lift Your Credit Score
High-value men focus on growing their wealth, and one way they do this is through the cunning use of credit. They understand the importance of a high credit score. If your score is low, you will have limited access to credit, and if you do get credit, it will be expensive. This is how you can improve your score so that financial institutions will start to throw cheap money at you. Before we start, you need to understand the concept of credit utilization. If you can keep your credit utilization low, your credit score will improve. It is really easy to calculate your credit utilization. Take a credit card. All cards have a credit limit – this is the maximum amount you can spend on the card. For example, if your limit is $1,000, and you have spent $400, you have used 40% ($400/$1,000) of the credit line. Your credit utilization is 40%. Generally, a good credit utilization ratio is less than 30 percent. That means you're using less than 30 percent of the total credit available to you. On a credit card with a $1,000 limit, that means keeping your balance below $300. Your credit score could drop as your credit card balances rise above that threshold. Trick 1: Small is Beautiful If you can make small payments — often called micropayments — throughout the month, that can help keep your credit card balances down. Making multiple payments throughout the month helps to keep your credit utilization down. Trick 2: Demand Higher Limits When your credit limit goes up and your balance stays the same, it instantly lowers your overall credit utilization. Call your card issuer to see if they are prepared to raise your limit. Trick 3: Check Your Score You need to be able to see the same information that your potential credit providers are seeing. There could be a mistake on your record that is dragging down your credit score. In the US, you're entitled to a free report every 12 months from each of the three major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Use AnnualCreditReport.com to request those reports and then check for mistakes, such as payments marked late when you paid on time or negative information that's too old to be listed. You then have the right to dispute these errors and get them removed if they are erroneous. Trick 4: Get Authorized When you get a new credit card, it doesn’t take long for the credit card company to offer you additional cards. Get a friend or relative to assign one of those cards to you. The account holder doesn’t have to let you use the card — or even tell you the account number — for you to benefit. This works best for people who have little recent credit experience, and the impact can be significant. It can fatten up your credit file, give you longer credit history and lower your credit utilization. You want to make sure that the account holder (your friend or relative), has a long and solid history. If not, their performance could actually drag you down and lower your credit score. Trick 5: Secure It Credit can be secured or unsecured. Unsecured credit is when institutions lend you money without any guarantees on the strength of your credit record. Secured credit is backed by an asset that serves as a guarantee. Secured credit is often backed by a cash deposit; you pay it up front (and you do not have access to this money) and the deposit amount is usually the same as your credit limit. You use it as a normal credit card, and your on-time payments help your credit score. This is not a great option because the cash you deposit is frozen and will earn you little or no interest, but it will help you to build your credit score. As your score improves, you need to convince the issuer of the card to start releasing some or all of the deposit. Trick 6: Do Not Cancel Cards If you're racing to improve your credit profile, be aware that closing credit cards can make the job harder. Closing a credit card means you lose that card’s credit limit when your overall credit utilization is calculated, which can lead to a lower score. Keep the card open and use it occasionally so the issuer won’t close it. This may incur an annual membership charge on the card, but the benefits may outweigh the costs. Trick 7: Mix It Up You want to show credit providers that you are multi-talented. There are essentially two types of credit – installment and revolving credit. Installment credit is where you borrow a fixed amount and pay that back over a fixed period. A good example is a student or an auto loan. A revolving credit, like a credit card, is where you have a spending limit. As you make your payments, your credit utilization declines and you can spend more. You need to spice up your credit mix. If you only have revolving or only installment, diversify into the credit type you do not have. This will show credit providers that you are versatile and creative. Trick 8: Pay Accounts on Time This seems obvious, but most people are unaware of the negative impact of late payments. If you pay a few days late, it is unlikely that your creditor is going to report you. If however, you are 30 days late, the probability of the creditor snitching on you to the bureau increases. If it was an oversight on your part, call the creditor and appeal to his/her good nature to not report. If you miss a payment by 30 days or more, call the creditor immediately. Arrange to pay up if you can and ask if the creditor will consider no longer reporting the missed payment to the credit bureaus. Given that we are living in exceptional times, creditors are likely to be more understanding. If you make a mistake, it is not the end of the world. As in real-world relationships, lots of positive credit behavior goes a long way to offset the temporary damage that has been done. #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- All You Need to be Happy is a Little Perspective
We live in amazing times. Food is abundant, you are unlikely to die of polio, and globally we are connected to billions of people with whom we could potentially start friendships, relationships and do business with. Why is it that we are all so depressed and anxious? If it takes more than 30 seconds to download a YouTube video, we start throwing shit. If your flight is delayed 45 minutes, you say you trip was a nightmare. Let me tell you why we are all so fucking depressed - we have no perspective and we are filled with expectations and entitlement. Let’s start with perspective. If you think your life is shit, consider the fact that 1 billion people don't have access to running water. I live in South Africa. My workshop, where I run a heavy machinery finance and parts business is located in Dunoon in Cape Town. Every day I drive past thousands of shanty houses. When it rains, the river rises and floods these tin houses, and because there is no drainage, it takes weeks for the water to recede. Every Thursday I leave the garbage outside to be collected. The can is filled with oily rags, waste pipes, and grease covered metal, yet people still rummage through it and find articles of value. On Sunday, people from the local church rent the outside portion of my workshop to hold their church service. In summer, temperatures reach 35 degrees. They are surrounded by big ugly chunks of metal. When I come to open up at 9am, I am greeted by huge smiles.... when I come and close (6 hours later) the smiles are even bigger. Every week I ask them why they don't look for a nice place - they look at me as if I am smoking crack - why would they move if they love where they are!!!! One of the church members is a street sweeper in Dunoon. Whenever I see him working on the streets, he waves and greets me with a toothy smile. You need to get a big fucking dose of perspective on your own life. I am not throwing stones here - I also fall into lapses of self-pity and sadness. I am terrified by how people these days withdraw into themselves and obsess over their small world. Let me tell you what happens when you make your world small and self-centered- it breeds a toxic mix of entitlement and expectations. You start to believe you are entitled to success, fame, money and happiness. You expect other people make you happy, to recognize your strengths and to shower you with love and attention. I am going to let you in on some truth that took me 50 years to realize. People will always disappoint you, take you for granted, ignore you and hurt you. You are not entitled to any of the things mentioned above. You need to work for everything you have - you need to take responsibility for your successes and your failures. You need to stop making excuses and waiting for life to happen to you. You need to go out into the world and get shit done, and DO NOT expect the world to welcome you with open arms - you need to work like a fucking dog to get what you want! #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- 6 Ways to Master Your Emotions
Emotions are neither your friend nor your enemy – they are either your master or your servant. You either control them or they control you. YOU GET TO DECIDE. High-value men transform their relationship with their emotions - instead of being ruled by them, he rules over them. Here are SIX ways you can become a master of your emotions, 1) Differentiate Between Positive and Negative Emotions Intense emotions are not bad. They make our lives exciting, unique, and vibrant. Strong feelings signify that you embrace life fully and that you are not repressing your natural reactions. It is good that you get pumped up when your team wins. But at times our emotions can fly out of control and bite us on the ass. How do you know when you emotions are getting out of hand and leading to potentially negative consequences? Sometimes it is obvious that an emotion is negative – anger, emptiness, frustration, fear, guilt, loneliness, depression, resentment and jealousy. But most of us are not in touch with our emotions and we are not good at identifying how we are feeling. Here are some markers to help to identify if your emotions are getting out of control. they affect your interaction with others (like when you want to drive that shit driver off the road and into the ditch), they cause trouble at work (like when you want to slam your bosses head into the elevator door), you feel the need to make use of substances (drugs and alcohol) to manage your emotions, you are prone to uncontrolled outbursts (like when your wife asks you to pass the salt, and you reply “you have ruined my whole fucking life’) 2) Aim for Regulation, Not Repression Controlling your emotions means turning down the volume on them, not repressing them. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being drilling a hole into you cranium and 1 being radio silence, you do not want to push them down to 1. You don't want to bottle them up, because if you do, one small event could cause all the shit to come flying out and you find yourself on the cover of Newsweek for opening fire at a Bon Jovi concert. You want to dial the volume down to a 5 or 6. You can hear your emotions in the background but they are not pounding on your eardrums like a volcano. WHEN SOMETHING PISSES YOU OFF: -COUNT TO TEN -HUM A TUNE -TAKE A DEEP BREATHE 3) Write This Shit Down If you had said this to me 5 years ago, I would have told you to shut the fuck up. Why do I need to write this stuff down? Then I discovered that there was incredible power in writing – it is organized thinking. When you wake up in the morning, get into the habit of writing down EVERYTHING that is pissing you off. A client hasn’t paid you for two months or the small-minded bureaucratic idiot from the embassy did get back to you about your visa. By getting this in writing, you free up your bnandwidth to tackle the important tasks of the day. 4) Do Not Beat Yourself Up That little voice inside your head can be ruthless. It does a pretty great job in reminding you about all the fuck ups you have made in the past: -YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE WRITTEN THAT EMAIL TELLING THE WHOLE 3RD FLOOR THAT YOUR BOSS WAS A DICK -YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE DATED THAT PSYCHOPATH FROM HUMAN RESOURCES We are always fucking up because we are greedy, shallow, vain, lustful, immature; and our self-hatred tends to grow. You need to work on a more holistic and objective answer. You are human and you are going to fuck up. You never have perfect information before making that decision to marry the stripper from Vegas. You never know the economy is going to perform before changing your job, Visibility of the future is never great. There are landmines everywhere. You are going to make hasty, impulsive and stu,pid decisions. Forgive yourself and move on. 5) Stress is a Killer - Keep it as Far Away from You as Possible The best way to handle stress is to do everything possible to be in the headspace that it does not affect you as badly. Here are three ways to tame stress: High quality Zs – check your mattress. Part of the reason you are not getting high quality sleep is because you are sleeping on a shit mattress. Exercise – fills your body with endorphins and gives you a natural high. Get social – isolation causes you to retreat into your head and fixate on all that is wrong with you. Getting out with positive people helps to relax and de-stress. 6) Speak to Someone If you had told me this five years ago, I would have told you to fuck off! The goal of Million Man is to build a tribe of like-minded men to whom you can talk. Speak to another man about what you are going through – get it off your chest. Do not speak to your partner - especially if your partner is a woman. Women do not want you to get all emotional. There is a time and place for everything, but this is not one of them. #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business
- 5 Things You Don't Want to do in 2022
New year's resolutions suck for two reasons – we set them too high, and the majority of them require having to do something. To help you into 2022, lets looks at 5 EASY things you should NOT be doing in 2022. 1) Spend Money on Stupid Shit The next time you buy something, ask yourself why you are buying it. The most common answer is: because I want it. Then ask why you want it. More than half the shit we buy is to impress people about whom you don’t give a shit. “Fake it until you make it” has become gospel for many. We need to project success with possessions. We are slaves to other people's opinions. It is a fucked up way to live. Instead of buying stupid shit, invest that money. Build up an investment portfolio and over time, money will start working for you instead of you working for money. That, my friend, is the definition of financial freedom. 2) Watch Netflix Until Midnight Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, was asked what/who was Netflix’s biggest competitor. He replied: SLEEP. Choosing Netflix over sleep will fuck you up. Men who sleep 5 hours per night have significantly smaller testicles than men who sleep 7-8 hours. Men who sleep 5 hours per night have the same testosterone levels as men 10 years their senior. Low sleep patterns also affect your memory and immune system. Enough said! 3) Use Deprecating Humour Self-deprecation is when you make a joke about what a loser you are. Take Andy Richter’s example: My body is like a temple. However, it’s among the temples found in Thailand where monkeys are allowed to shit all over. Although these self-deprecating comments are said in jest, they disguise an underlying sense of low self-esteem and low value. High-value men are kind to themselves – they push down those negative voices and increase the volume of the positive voices. 4) Waste Time on Stupid Shit Time is a valuable commodity yet most men are under the impression it is free, so they waste it watching mind-numbing videos on Tiktok, downloading porn, and playing video games. But this blog is not about kicking your porn addiction, it is about being better stewards of your time. Here are three hints: Make to-do lists – in this way, you crystalize what needs to be done. By writing this down, you are also able to better prioritize. You want to tackle the tough tasks first when you are still fresh and energetic. Avoid distractions - let's say you need to write a blog on your laptop. Put your phone in the other room to avoid the temptation of opening YouTube and watching another music video. Youtube is my single biggest distraction – I am embarrassed to know how much time I spend on it. Don’t multi-task – multi-tasking means you are not doing anything properly. If something is worth doing, it is worth doing at 100%, and it is impossible to do more than one thing at 100%. 5) Stuff Your Face with Junk Food Junk food does two things to you, and none of them are good over the long term. Firstly, it gets you high and fat. Junk food is fucking delicious and it floods our brain with dopamine when we stuff it into our faces. This creates a high. As we eat more Big Macs, the brain adapts and makes more receptors to dopamine. To get that same virgin high, we need more burgers. Secondly, makes you do stupid stuff. Junk food is like porn – it is delicious and grabs our attention. To resist this temptation, we need a set of brakes in our brains. This is the prefrontal cortex which only matures in our early 20s. This explains why teenagers often do stupid shit – they have no brakes. Research has shown that excessive consumption of sugary drinks negatively affects the development of these brakes. This lack of self-control makes you a slave to your impulses. You crave instant gratification. It is this inability to master your urges that is a defining trait of low value, weak and depressed men. #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #mindset #coach #inspiration #selflove #life #success #selfcare #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #meditation #loveyourself #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #positivevibes #fitness #businesscoach #motivationalspeaker #business